Hamilton Agriculture Field Books by CROPgen

Hamilton Agriculture Field Books are designed to give a true representation of asset capability as well as tenant capabilities and expected cost to operate. This offers a unique view into the value of the farm as well a transparent understanding of the income allotment between landowner and tenant.  Hamilton Agriculture Field Books provide landowners with a consolidated, field by field, economic farm output enabling owners to make more informed decisions with their assets while simultaneously enhancing transparency

Field Books are created using our proprietary and cutting-edge Hamilton Agriculture CROPgen software program. This is used in combination with onsite visits to the asset(s) to generate a field level report, projecting operating level cash flow maximization based on a variety of variable inputs identified by Hamilton professionals. This process will assess the farm in its entirety and the true return for large investment projects and how they can affect the total return of the farm (both tenant and landowner)

In addition to cash flow maximization, these books include a detailed report by field for optimum crop rotation, tillage practices, irrigation, field activity date planning, and several other critical inputs to maximize value

The two pages above are output generated by the CROPgen software for a Hamilton Agriculture Field Book